

Eyebrows, eyebrows, eyebrows. Such a pain to maintain, but I think I might have found a quick, easy, pain free solution to switch up your eyebrow maintenance routine...

An electric eyebrow trimmer, no you're not dreaming! This little piece of magic gently glides over your hairs on your brows leaving you with perfectly shaped eyebrows. When I first tried this, gotta admit I did accidentally chop the last quarter of my left eyebrow off (thank god for eyebrow pencils!) so be warned! Although once you get the knack, you're sorted.

I trim my eyebrows once every couple of days but it literally takes about a couple of minutes. I would honestly highly recommend this little tool to anyone! It's £10.00 from Boots and you can get it online here.

If you've got any other eyebrow maintenance life changers, do let me know in the comments as I'd love to hear your suggestions!