

Rockin' that pale skin but not a cheekbone to be seen? Here's my little duo to achieve that flawless bronzed look with those au natural cheekbones.

Any fellow real techniques brush obsessive or all round brush lover will have heard of the real techniques duo fibre collection. I'm totally digging the Duo Fibre Face Brush (as shown in the picture) combo-ed with the well raved about Body Shop Honey Bronzer.

I tend to swirl this brush around the bronzer and then hit the side of the bronzer to prevent any fall down. Now suck in your cheeks (lookin' attractive) and lightly swipe the bronzer over those faux cheekbones. I also tend to take this down the centre of my neck, under my jawline and on my temples.

If you're new to the whole bronzing application shenanigans and look like you've dipped your face in a pot of melted chocolate everytime you give it a go (we've all been there!) then take a look at Lisa Eldrige's guide to bronzer here. It's very detailed, and slightly lengthy but really will change your bronzer application for the better.

What are your secret weapons for that bronzed look avec cheekbones?