

A cheeky bit of Mid Week Reading of good ole Sophia Amoruso on how to be a #GIRLBOSS, a little chuckle away to yourself thanks to trusty Tina Fey with her book Bossypants or just a damn good flick through the latest issue of Allure Magazine is always a treat. But one thing we always briefly mention around the dinner table but never properly discuss is whether we prefer a proper paper copy or a snazzy electronic copy on your iPad / iPhone / Kindle. You name it, we've probably given it a go. But since I'm new to this whole reading thang I'm interested in hearing your guys thoughts. 

Now if you have known me for a long time, you'll know how much I really just didn't understand how on earth people can get joy from reading. But ladies and gents, it's a revolution. Being a fellow lover of all things techy whether that be tapping, snapping and nattering away through my working day or spending most of my free time scrolling through my twitter, facebook feed and being a complete (what I like to call) techy rebel and forgetting my glasses... oh, my life is exciting right now. But honestly, being able to take time out of my day to have a makeup free, techny free, peaceful time just zoning out and reading my book is honestly one of the best things for me, and really destresses me. 

But do you still get the same effect from reading on your iPad, iPhone, Kindle etc...? I really don't think so. Yeah, you get the convenience, give that well forgotten about iPad / Kindle a well earnt moment in the spotlight but the whole point for me with reading is to take a techy break and not having to worry about when my battery is going to run out or what notifications are going to be popping up or whether I should be sensible for once and dim my light a little bit. 

(beware of nan terms coming up...) I'm just going to be honest, I just freaking love the feel of holding a book, creasing the pages and giving yourself a mental (sometimes not just mental... hush!) pat on the back for how far you have gotten in the book. You feel me? 

Do you see the dilemma I have? Do you share the same problem? Are you new to books? Get nattering your thoughts below as I'd love to hear your tips, tricks and reading loves and loathes below! 

"A book is a work of art, it's just what you do with it which makes it even more beautiful"